MD, University of South Florida
Psychology, University of Florida
Chad Wheeler, MD sees patients in Spokane, WA for cosmetic and plastic surgery. Dr. Wheeler attended the MD, University of South Florida and is Board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
Chad Wheeler, MD performs and specializes in the following plastic surgeries: Brazilian Butt Lift, Liposuction, Mommy Makeover, Breast Augmentation, Rhinoplasty, and Face Lifts.
Dr. Chad Wheeler has 12 years of medical experience, which puts him in the top 62% of plastic surgeons in the US.
In the state of Washington, Dr. Wheeler is a top 63% plastic surgeon.
Body Lift, Botox, Brazilian Butt Lift, Breast Augmentation, Breast Implant Removal, Breast Implant Revision, Breast Implants, Breast Lift with Implants, Breast Reconstruction, Breast Reconstruction with TRAM Flap, Breast Reduction, Brow Lift, Cheek Lift, Chin Implant, Gynecomastia Surgery, Juvederm, Liposuction, Lower Facelift, Mommy Makeover, Natrelle Breast Implants, Neck Lift, Panniculectomy, Rhinoplasty, Tummy Tuck
Board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery